Questions & Answers
Q. Is there a shop where I can see all of this furniture for sale?
A. We do not have a retail shop *because* we sell online; however, you are welcome to make an appointment to view any of our pieces by calling us on 0401 510 510. We have a large warehouse in Smeaton Grange (Narellan) NSW where you can visit and shop at below retail prices. A retail shop would defeat the purpose.
Q. How can I differentiate between antiques and reproduction/vintage furniture?
A. We deal in antiques and never sell reproductions. Sometimes an item may be vintage rather than antique. We will always tell you the age of each piece we are selling.
Q. Where does your stock come from?
A. Our stock is either imported directly from France / Europe or sourced in Australia. If there is a particular style or piece you are searching for we are happy to assist.
Q. I have been looking for a particular item and can’t find it. Will you help?
A. Yes. Send us a description or similar image and we will endeavor to source it. We do not charge for this service.
Q. Can you arrange transport of my purchase?
A. Yes, we can, we will email you courier costs on request from one of our high care removalists.
Q. What areas do the couriers / removalists deliver to?
A. Too many to list. Please email or text (0401 510 510) your postcode, phone number and item that you are interested in, and we will arrange a quote for you.
Q. Can I arrange my own transport or collect the item myself.
A. Absolutely. We will work with you to ensure a smooth transaction.
Q. Can you store my items in case I purchase additional pieces?
A. Yes. There is no charge for this service; however, payment for each purchase must be made within 7 days.